Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Quality vs Quantity

I say, "huzzah to the small church!" Of course, I'm supportive since I go to a small church myself. The following article from Christianity Today describes some advantages to the small church.

Here's a good quote:
"Second is a shift to the relevance of small churches. One of our most surprising discoveries is that (while there are some notable exceptions) the bigger a church grows, the worse it becomes both in quality and in its capability to reach new people for Christ. In few ways is the bigger church a better church."
But it seems to me this article attributes quality music with true worship of the Lord.
"In a crowd of 5,000, to sing worship songs and to have higher quality music is more inspiring than being together with eight other people and a guitarist who can play only three chords."
Just because the music is of higher quality it does not mean the ability to worship the Lord is greater. Indeed, Van Halen plays high quality music.

In general I hope the reader understands that the power of the church comes from our Lord Jesus, regardless of the numbers.

May God be praised!


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