Thursday, October 27, 2005

The River and The Sea

In Psalm 46 verse 4 it says, "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God".

"What is the river this verse is refering to?", I asked myself. I see this as the Church. Verse 5 goes on to say, "God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day."

Psalm 46 offers much encouragement. The Church, being in Christ, is a river whose streams make glad the city of God. By simply being in Christ we bless the Lord and bless His kingdom. We can have courage despite that "the waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging". Because "the Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress". (Ps 46:3,11)

With thoughts of how a body of water represents the Church I recalled something about a Sea. In Revelation 4:6 John writes, "Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal." Looking beyond the literal, again, to me the sea seems to be describing the Church. Think of a visit to an alpine lake, if you've had the privilege of experiencing such a visit. The water is crystal clear, there is no wind in the coolness of the air, the surface of the lake is like glass. It is completely peaceful.

When will we be at peace? Perhaps not until we are before the throne of God. Though we strive for peace on earth, true peace comes only when our hearts are bowed before the throne of God. Not just in heaven but also today.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


The small church I go to and volunteer at seems to struggle with member participation. I see that I really must pray for us all so that we as a church move in the direction God wants.

In my effort to read the Bible in a year (and I'm way behind) I read Exodus 35 and 36, and the Lord impressed something upon me. First here is what we observe.

In 35:4, "Moses said to the whole Israelite community, 'This is what the Lord has commanded:'", and then he goes on to explain that everyone who is willing shall bring offerings for the tabernacle. The request was clear and specific. Moses said it was a command of the Lord. He said with specific instruction what was to be made and what was to be brought.

And then we observe the most wonderful thing. In verses 20 and 21 it says, "Then the whole Israelite community withdrew from Moses' presence, and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the Tent of Meeting, for all its service and for the sacred garments." Furthermore we see that those who had the specific things requested brought them. Those with specific skills used them for their respective purpose. Even the leaders pitched in and brought onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece, as it says in verse 27. Finally, we read in verse 36:6 that Moses had to stop the people from bringing even more offerings because they were continuing to bring offerings morning after morning. Simply put, the Lord provided more than what was needed.

I'm sure we have lessons to learn and to apply to our church. One, my church should seek to know what the Lord is commanding and know His purpose as it is laid out in his Word. I simply don't see a specific mission for the church and I definitely don't hear about it. Two, the church, that is the people of the church, should have clear and specific instructions of what to do. Three, if we know what is God's purpose then we should have faith the Holy Spirit will move and inspire those of us with a willing heart to carry out the tasks.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

His Steward

In the quieter times of the day the Lord seems to be impressing upon me the importance of living a life of righteousness. I believe this began after deciding not to start a small business.

Two years ago, being frustrated with working in the high-tech corporate world I set out to open a coffee shop. I thought it would allow me to practice righteousness in the business world and allow my wife and I to work on something together. I studied the product, I learned about business, I looked at scripture regarding work, business, and money. I confess in my heart I was also thinking, "I'll show them...".

Now recently, what the Lord is telling me is that I need not own and operate a business to "show off" to the business world about how to run a business by God's principles. Rather I have been made a steward of many things which needs my attention in humbly doing His will.

  • I'm a receiver of Faith and have a responsibility to it.
  • I'm a husband in a marriage partnership with my wife.
  • I'm a member of a small local church.
  • My wife and I are partners in a household.
  • I have various skills and should share them with the world around me.
  • I'm an employee. Well, sometimes I'm unemployed but when I am employed I have a responsibility to be a righteous steward of what the Lord has provided, and I should work for my employer as if I'm working for the Lord.
  • In general I have assets and liabilities. I should listen to the Lord for what He desires to do with these.
  • And not the least, I have a life through which I sojourn and I should take every opportunity to do His will.
I'm sure He's telling me I can apply my desire and energy to run a business to the many other things in my life. We can all look for practical ways to glorify our Lord by righteously tending to our stewardships, to live according to God's Word.