Prayer for Politics
I was listening to TFL this past week and Alistair was teaching on 1 Timothy Chapter 2. There are many applications within these 15 verses. From some of it he talks about the importance of prayer. In the first two verses he reminded us how we typically complain about our countries leaders rather than pray for them.
So our attitude should be more for praying for our leaders going through this selection process. There are likely all kinds of specifics to pray for. Think about it. Pray about it. One that comes to my mind is for whomever the candidate that takes the presidency would rely more on wisdom from above rather than the wisdom of this age.
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quite lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Tim 2:1-2.Anita and I are both discouraged with the whole Presidential political process. It seems more of a popularity contest. And we don't really have much to chose from if we're to think we should just set up a person in office and say, "Ok, do your job and don't make my life here miserable." But what Paul is saying is "pray for them and those in authority. Alistair asked (quoting loosely), "Do you think the Berlin wall came down because of Reagan's ingenuity? No, it came down because of prayers of the people of God crying out to him."
So our attitude should be more for praying for our leaders going through this selection process. There are likely all kinds of specifics to pray for. Think about it. Pray about it. One that comes to my mind is for whomever the candidate that takes the presidency would rely more on wisdom from above rather than the wisdom of this age.

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