Sunday, September 02, 2007

Shadowy Copy

From teaching in Hebrews chapter 8, Pastor Wayne of Calvary Fellowship made an excellent point from the verse regarding the priestly ministries and things done in the tabernacle back in the days of Moses.

Hebrews 8:5 says, "They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven." (NIV).

And he gave very good illustrations which helps us to see what it means to participate in a relationship with our Lord.

  • A shadow is a dim or dark outline of the real thing. If you see a shadow of something and start to recognize the outline of what it is, then you look for the real object from which the shadow is casted.
  • No one wants to just see a shadow of chocolate cake. Instead they want to eat the real cake.
  • And while the shadow or shade from a house may offer comfort from the scorching sun, eventually we go into the real house for the place to dwell.
It doesn't take much more to realize that our relationship with the Lord goes beyond the elements of a church service. Just going to church doesn't satisfy. And church should prompt us to seek a real communion with Jesus, through prayer, meditation of scripture, and exercising gifts the Holy Spirit has given.