Friday, October 13, 2006

God Has Assigned The Task

I have a cold and couldn't sleep so I decided to get up, drink a little tea, and listen to TFL via one of the downloaded Podcasts. In the message titled A Call To Service (taken from 1 Cor 16:10-11) I was inspired to blog as I heard the tail end of part A. Below Alistair says something like this.

Paul worked with Timothy in the ministry of spreading the Gospel. Something about Timothy is that he is young, physically frail (weak stomach), and timid. And some folks would ask, why did you pick Timothy and entrusted him with the gospel? Paul would have replied and said, "I understand your thinking but God assigns the task."

One of the reasons people don't engage in ministry is because we are fearful. We are fearful of rejection. It is one of the debilitating factors in Christian ministry. We think: I might not be successful, I might not be able to allow my perfectionistic standards to bear upon the task, I might not look good. Etc...

Listen, if God has put His hand upon you, shows you the pink slip, sign your name on the pink slip and do the job. Don't let us make a circus out of it.

Accept your limitations. You can't do everything.
Assume your responsibilities. You can do something.
Don't let the evil one tell you, that because you are young (or old) frail and timid, that it is somebody else's job.

Also I'd like to add, yesterday I was listening to the last message on FRANgelism, a lesson from John chapter 4. From notes I took as I was listening I wrote that in the spiritual realm the usual pattern is to reap where others have sown, but at times we may sow and never get to reap.

Reapers need to be humble. Sowers need not be discouraged. The hard work of the sower will be honored in heaven. Recall that the last will be first and the first will be last.

Are we reaping? If not, are we sowing? Let us assume our responsibilities. God has assigned the task.


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